Hoodoo Delish


Reading the flame of your candle as it burns can add an extra dimension to your understanding of your work. Here are some of the common things you will see in candle flames and their meanings.


  • Bright: A nice bright flame indicates that you have chosen the right work and given it enough power to achieve your goals.
  • Hot: A hot flame indicates good energy and the ability to power through resistance to your goal. A flame that is too hot may indicate you are being too heavy handed. Gentler work maybe needed.
  • Dances: Dancing flames indicate spiritual communication in your favor. The spirits are participating and wish you to know that they are assisting you towards achieving your goals. This is an especially good omen for candles offered to saints, ancestors, and other specific spirits.
  • Pops: Popping sounds, which may be accompanied with small explosions of wax, indicate barriers being broken and obstacles being removed.
  • White Smoke: The presence of white smoke indicates spiritual assistance. Someone in the spirit realm wishes you to know they are helping you achieve your goals. May also indicate a certain spirit has a desire to communicate with or work with you.


  • Dim: Dim flame indicates conflicting magic or goals, or lack of clear intent. It can also indicate a lack of power. And also indicate an exhausted practitioner.
  • Cool: A cool flame indicates slow acting or sluggish work. You may be approaching the problem from the wrong angle.
  • Flickers: A flame that flickers, threatening to go out, indicates that there is not enough power in the work to make the changes being requested by the practitioner. Add more prayers, and if led by spirit to do so, more ingredients, may be needed.
  • Goes Out: A flame going out is a strong indication that this type of work will not be effective for the intended goal.
  • Black Smoke: Black smoke indicates the presence of spiritual opposition to your work. If black smoke continues all throughout the work you’re target has been protected from or resisted your work.


  • Sparks: Sparks indicate conflict, proactive and uncomfortable change, or aggressive action.
  • Hissing: hissing indicates whispering, gossiping, or spreading rumors.
  • Wailing: Wailing, indicates that somebody associated with the situation either has been or will be shedding tears or loudly complaining very soon. Can also indicate severe physical pain.

❮ Candle Reading